I love spending time with my family, playing softball and volleyball, going to the movies with my husband (which does not happen as often since babysitters are few and far between). I love shopping, talking to friends, using coupons of course and just laughing.
I started really couponing in 2008, after we had our youngest daughter. I was watching a lady on TV and she was talking about how she was getting most of her groceries and health & beauty items really cheap and even FREE in some cases. I had always used coupons, but not to this extent. So I started researching online how I could do this too. With me being a stay at home mom and a newborn, we were spending a lot and not saving much. So after about 3 weeks of searching and learning, I started my coupon adventure. It took about 3 months to start getting a real feel for the coupon world and to start getting FREE items and start my stockpile.
I then decided in January of 2009 to start sharing my shopping trips with friends and family in a blog. It also gave me an outlet to write and have a little time for myself. I love sharing all the great savings I get and all of the saving tips I have learned. I also love getting feedback on what others are doing to save money and how much they save at the grocery. So I hope you enjoy all the things I share and have learned over the past 2 years and be able to save a ton at the grocery!!!
- Fairfield Echo Newspaper Article- Back To School Savings- August 19, 2010
- Journal-News.com Article- Back To School Savings- August 18, 2010
Back To School Supply Drive- Fairfield City School District, August 21, 2010- Co-Organizer
- Cincinnati.com article- July 23, 2010
- Fairfield Echo Newspaper Article - July 28, 2010
- Journal Newspaper Article- August 1, 2010
- Rewind 94.9 Photos of Event- April 3, 2011
Live Interview with Channel 9 News- April 2, 2011 - Cincinnati.com Article- April 21, 2011

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