Friday, May 14, 2010

Coupons Coming Sunday May 16!!

Best Blogger Tips

Here are a few highlights of the 2 inserts that are coming Sunday. You can check out the full list at Sunday Coupon Preview!!

Frito-Lay Variety Pack $1.00/1
Huggies Pull-ups Flushable Wipes $1.00/1
Lance Sandwich Crackers or Cookies $1.00/2
Aunt Millie’s Bread .55/1
Aunt Millie’s Hamburger or Hot Dog Buns .55/1
Purell $1.00/1

Looking for certain coupons? Just don't have the time to cut coupons? Then you need to check out The Q Hunter. Purchase just the coupons your want, pre-cut and in your hands in just a few days!

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