Here are a few highlights from this weeks Kroger ad. Check out Nickels N Dimes to get the full list of match-ups.
-.40/1 printable coupon here
=.20 each
Pepsi 2 Liters $1.25 each
Buy 4 get 2 FREE
=.84 each wyb 6 ( I have seen a few other sites that they are reporting for every 3 2liters that you buy you will get a Catalina coupon for a FREE movie code from RedBox!!)
Tropicana Orange Juice $2.38 each
-$1.00/2 manufacturer coupon
=$1.78 each wyb 2
Buy 4 (Mix or Match) get $4.00 off instantly......
Oral B Cross Action Toothbrush $2.50 each
-$1.00 Mix or Match Deal
-.75/1 manufacturer coupon (doubled to $1.00)
=.50 each
Crest Premium Toothpaste $2.50 each
-$1.00 Mix or Match Deal
-.75/1 manufacturer coupon (doubled to $1.00)
=.50 each
Downy Fabric Softener $5.49 each
-$1.00 Mix or Match Deal
-$1.00/1 manufacturer coupon
=$3.49 each
***Special Note for Kroger***
Kroger accepts manufacturer coupons and internet printable coupons. Kroger doubles coupons up to $1.00 and at this time does not have a limit as to how many they will double. Kroger also offers online loadable coupons to add to your Kroger Plus Card. (ShortCuts or CellFire)

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