Friday, May 13, 2011

2 FREE Yoplait Kids Cups at Publix

Best Blogger Tips

In Publix's Yellow Advantage Flyer this month (if you didn't get one in the paper you should be able to pick one up in-store) there is a STORE coupon from $2.00 off 2 Yoplait Kid's, Trix or Gogurt. The coupon is good through 5/27.

There is a 50c off Yoplait Kids Cup (the 4pks in the yellow packaging) in the 3/27 SS that is good until 5/21. Since most Publix's double coupons the coupon takes $1 off.

These are regularly priced 2 for $4.00. If you use the STORE coupon ($2 off 2) and TWO of the 50c/1 coupons (each takes $1 off) you get 2 for FREE!

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