In Publix's Yellow Advantage Flyer this month (if you didn't get one in the paper you should be able to pick one up in-store) there is a STORE coupon from $2.00 off 2 Yoplait Kid's, Trix or Gogurt. The coupon is good through 5/27.
There is a 50c off Yoplait Kids Cup (the 4pks in the yellow packaging) in the 3/27 SS that is good until 5/21. Since most Publix's double coupons the coupon takes $1 off.
These are regularly priced 2 for $4.00. If you use the STORE coupon ($2 off 2) and TWO of the 50c/1 coupons (each takes $1 off) you get 2 for FREE!
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