Tuesday, May 17, 2011

FREE Kandoo Wipes!

Best Blogger Tips
 If you have little ones, you know by now how expensive diapers, wipes and formula are. So finding a great deal on wipes can be a huge deal!! While at Kroger today I noticed that the Pampers Kandoo wipes were on sale for $1 each, good through May 30, 2011!! Use the $1/1 Pampers Kandoo Product (Limit of 4 Like Coupons in Same Shopping Trip) - 04-03-11 PG coupon and get them absolutely FREE!! So check your local Kroger and see if you can score some wipes for FREE!!

For more great FREEbie or cheap deals, check out these other great deal!!
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Unknown said...

I am just starting to try this out- can you tell me what the code next to the coupon you are referring to and where you find these??

Anonymous said...

I'm a little confused... im new to this so that's why.
If the wipes are 10/10 but you can only use 4 like coupons, how would that make it free? wouldn't it be $6? I know you could probably split your purchase into different transactions but would they still respect the 10/10 price???

Just Trying To Save Money said...

Ok, no worries!! I love to help!

First the coupon is from the 4/3/11 P&G inserts from the newspaper- so you will need to have purchased the newspaper that day or you can use a clipping service. I use http://www.theqhunter.com/?Click=1766 - she is great!!

Second- Kroger allows you to only purchase 1 and get it for $1, you do not need to buy 10. So buy 4, use 4 of the $1/1 coupon and get all 4 for FREE!! Does that help?

Anonymous said...

Those coupons do NOT have the standard limit 4 like coupons printed on them ;)