Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Gardening-Newspaper Pots

Best Blogger Tips
I started looking around at some other blogs to get some frugal gardening tips and to hopefully find a cheap way to start my plants inside.

I found at The Grocery Cart Challenge a creative way to use all those newspapers I have leftover each week from my couponing habit! Here is the video that will tell you how to make your own. Thanks The Grocery Cart Challenge for the great idea!!

How to Create Seed-Starting Pots From Newspapers -- powered by

I also won a Burpee Seedstarting Greenhouse from and I am so excited, this will help to get us started!!!


Amanda Tempel said...

Hey there! I'm a new follower from Friday Follow. Hope to see you around my blog sometime! And please feel free to check out my most current giveaway for 1 of 3 Xbox 360 games :).
Take Care.
Oh and by the way, I recently started gardening myself, and Ive fallen in love with it! I started off with the Jiffy Green House Kits, and they worked miracles! My beets are growing amazing! :) I haven't tried the newspaper pots yet but Im definantly going to, thanks for sharing!